Discussion Skills

Discussion Skills

Summer is a great time to mix things up a little bit.  Not only are we sitting around the table during a more informal and intimate type of worship (while eating some really good food), but toward the end of the hour, we have also begun discussing what the sermon brought up for you.  Such sharing increases our knowledge of not only the text but of one another.  We have different reactions to a given Bible story or sermon because we connect them with our own unique experience and understanding of the world. As we continue this practice of discussion in the coming weeks, let’s listen deeply to one another without judgment.  Here are some great discussion guidelines from the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching:        

  • Respect others’ rights to hold opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. When you disagree, challenge or criticize the idea, not the person.
  • Listen carefully to what others are saying even when you disagree with what is being said. Comments that you make (asking for clarification, sharing critiques, expanding on a point, etc.) should reflect that you have paid attention to the speaker’s comments.
  • Be courteous. Don’t interrupt or engage in private conversations while others are speaking. Use attentive, courteous body language.
  • Support your statements. Use evidence and provide a rationale for your points.
  • Share responsibility for including all voices in the discussion.  If you have much to say, try to hold back a bit; if you are hesitant to speak, look for opportunities to contribute to the discussion.
  • Recognize that we are all still learning. Be willing to change your perspective, and make space for others to do the same.

These sample guidelines are helpful for all places where we engage in discussion—not just in church.  If you want more information, go to http://www.crlt.umich.edu/examples-discussion-guidelines where I found the above bulleted points.  I look forward to lots of stimulating discussion!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Sandi

Something like Karma

Amos 8:1-12

8This is what the Lord God showed me—a basket of summer fruit. 2He said, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A basket of summer fruit.” Then the Lord said to me, The end has come upon my people Israel; I will never again pass them by. 3The songs of the temple shall become wailings in that day,” says the Lord God; “the dead bodies shall be many, cast out in every place. Be silent!”

4Hear this, you that trample on the needy, and bring to ruin the poor of the land, 5saying, “When will the new moon be over so that we may sell grain; and the sabbath, so that we may offer wheat for sale? We will make the ephah small and the shekel great, and practice deceit with false balances, 6buying the poor for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, and selling the sweepings of the wheat.” 7The Lord has sworn by the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never forget any of their deeds. 8Shall not the land tremble on this account, and everyone mourn who lives in it, and all of it rise like the Nile, and be tossed about and sink again, like the Nile of Egypt? 9On that day, says the Lord God, I will make the sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight. 10I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; I will bring sackcloth on all loins, and baldness on every head; I will make it like the mourning for an only son, and the end of it like a bitter day.

11The time is surely coming, says the Lord God, when I will send a famine on the land; not a famine of bread, or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. 12They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it.

Sermon: Something like Karma

“In an op-ed piece in the November 30, 2012 issue of The New York Times, entitled ‘The Monster of Monticello,’ Paul Finkelman writes about Thomas Jefferson’s hypocrisy on race. When he wrote the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson affirmed the ‘self-evident truth’ that all men are ‘created equal.’

Yet even as he wrote that, he owned 175 slaves. On top of that, while many of Jefferson’s contemporaries, including George Washington, freed their slaves during and after the Revolutionary War, Jefferson did not. He remained what Finkelman calls ‘the master of Monticello, and a buyer and seller of human beings.’

1820’s heated arguments over slavery during the debate over the Missouri Compromise shocked Jefferson. He believed that by opposing the spread of slavery in the West, the children of the revolution were about to ‘perpetrate’ an ‘act of suicide on themselves, and of treason against the hopes of the world.’

Yet Finkelman concludes, ‘If there was ‘treason against the hopes of the world,’ it was perpetrated by the founding generation, which failed to place the nation on the road to liberty for all” (Doug Bratt, Old Testament Lectionary, Center for Excellence in Preaching, www.calvinseminary.edu).

I am often amazed at how we, as human beings, are able to compartmentalize so well.  Many of us proclaim words that look attractive, but deep down, we often lack real integration of word and practice or integration of symbol of substance.  Curiously, while Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence and proclaimed that all men are created equal, he continued to own slaves—and the African American people, and other previous-enslaved ethnic groups, continue to suffer from the awful legacy of slavery; the legacy lasts for generations and spawns costly social ills lasting long into the future in slavery’s aftermath.

This opening sermon illustration about Thomas Jefferson gets to the heart of Amos’ message in Chapter 8.  Chapter 8 records Amos’ fourth of five prophetic visions.  In this vision, Amos indicts Israel even as the nation’s outside, its surface looks as good as a ripe bowl of summer fruit.  Amos indicts Israel, namely for its fraudulent business practices highlighted in chapter 8, which hurt the poor and reap long-term implications for all of the society.  Amos proclaims God’s judgement upon Israel—judgements which are actually the fleshing out of those implications.  But today, we are going to look very closely at what God’s judgement means in our lives, because it may not be what you think it is.  In fact, I posit that God’s judgement during our earthly lives ends up looking something like karma, which is a concept found in eastern religions. 

You all know what karma is?  Probably so: What goes around comes around.  I’ve heard it argued that karma is not a Christian concept because for the Christian, karma is superseded by grace, and ultimately, eternally that is true.  But as we live our lives, the universal principal of cause and long-lasting effect is taught throughout our Judeo-Christian scriptures.  In life, we reap what we sow in our daily lives, and sin’s legacy can stretch far into the future.

Let’s look at what was going on in Amos’ time, specifically in chapter 8.  Amos’ fourth vision begins with what seems like a lovely basket of ripe fruit.  Now the symbolism of this fruit runs deep.  In the original Hebrew language, there is a pun.  The term for “summer fruit” is qayits, while the term for “end” is qets.  In the Norther Kingdom’s dialect, the two words would have sounded quite similar; hence the pun, they play on words.  Amos is juxtaposing a pleasant image of fruit with and ending of unspeakable disaster.  A fruit basket is an attractive image; no wonder bowls of fruit are frequently the subject of still-life paintings.  But the meaning of this image is superficial only.  While the current milieu in the North Kingdom looks good on the outside, the heart of the matter is anything but: Amos warns of upcoming disaster.  Now why did things look good on Israel’s outside?

Modern-day archaeology confirms that Jeroboam II’s reign was the most prosperous that Israel had ever known.  “By the late 8th century BC, the territory of Israel was the most densely settled in the entire Levant, with a population of about 350,000.  This prosperity was built on trade in olive oil, wine, and possibly horses, with Egypt and especially Assyria providing the markets.  According to Amos, the triumphs of the king had engendered a haughty spirit of boastful overconfidence at home.  Oppression and exploitation of the poor by the mighty, luxury in palaces of unheard-of-splendor, and a craving for amusement were some of the internal fruits of these external triumphs” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeroboam_II).  Amos rails against the materialism and selfishness of the Israelite elite of the day and says, “Hear this, you that trample on the needy, and bring to ruin the poor of the land…”  And then he proclaims upcoming disaster.      We learned last week that Israel was worshipping God alright.  They were attending temple, giving their offerings, making their sacrifices on the Sabbath.  They were wholeheartedly singing the songs at temple like we sing them at church.  Yet something was rotten like a past-ripe banana.  Outward looks, you know, can be deceiving.  While they looked like they were worshipping at the temple, they were thinking about how to make money.  (Oh, yes, how our minds often wander in church!  What are we thinking about right now?  I remember times in my teens when my body was raging with hormones—shameful thoughts during church!)  And Amos says that the worshippers were saying, “When will the new moon be over so that we may sell grain?  And when will the sabbath be over so that we may offer wheat for sale?”  See, the merchants were impatient for the holy days to pass so they could resume their fraudulent business and make themselves richer.  And how did they make themselves richer?  On the backs of the poor.  Amos writes, they “practice deceit with false balances buying the poor for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, and sell the sweepings of the wheat,” which were empty hulls.  It’s like in my twenties when I used to go shopping at the Italian Market in Philly.  There were beautiful grapes there displayed, and I would ask for a pound.  The merchant would fill a paper bag in the back with un-displayed grapes, but all were rotten except one bunch on the top.  Empty hulls!  I had been swindled!  I wondered if the merchant was a church-going man, shiny as a ripe apple one the outside but rotten to the core even as he went through all the religious motions.  The biblical canon condemns such hypocrisy.   

Amos proclaims a time of what seems like God’s retribution when the people did not measure up to God’s plumb line, that measure of morality we talked about last week.  Amos warns, “The dead bodies shall be many, cast out in every place…Shall not the land tremble on this account and everyone mourn who lives in it, and all of it rise like the Nile, and be tossed about and sink again, like the Nile of Egypt…”  And God says, “On that day, I will make the sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight.  I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation…I will send a famine on the land…”

I hope you can connect this ancient text to the issues of today.  Huge profits continue to be made through “economic and environmental exploitation. Corporate fraud, exploitation of the poor, and ecological disruption are all consequences of the drive to maximize profit at any cost.  [And what is worst of all is that p]eople who live on the margins often suffer disproportionately from environmental abuse” (Blake Couey, Commentary on Amos 8:1-12, www.workingpreacher.org).  And all we have to do is think of the Flint, Michigan water crisis and the elevated levels of lead in that water.  Families there, families that are minorities, are suffering medical ailments all because it was cheaper to pump in water from the polluted Flint River rather than Lake Huron.  I wonder how adequately insured these families are, and if they are being treated.  Ultimately the costs of treatment and reparation come back to society anyway, and the cost—both monetary and to human life and health—becomes greater later than doing the right thing in the first place, even if the right thing costs more initially.  We all pay for our abuses in some way; there is cause and effect, and that’s something like karma.

We reap, what to Amos looked like God’s judgement, when we make a quick buck off mother earth.  Consider these current issues:  The EPA has recently rolled back Obama-era coal plant regulations which by some estimations (including the EPA’s own) will result in the deaths of an extra 300-1500 people each year by 2030, because of the increase in air pollution.  Not only that, but pollution in the environment causes mercury accumulation in the food chain—not just lung ailments.  Sure, the rollbacks improve the short-term economy for some, but look at the long-term effects.  Mercury in high concentrations is a powerful neurotoxin that can lead to lower IQ and impaired motor skills in children.  Why is our current government not consistently encouraging investment in clean technologies like wind?  If fossil-fuel burning continues as it does not, CO2 levels will rise to a level that could not return to pre-industrial levels even tens of thousands of years into the future.  There have never been CO2 levels this high in our atmosphere since measurements began.    Wildfires rage in Alaska, where it has hit 90 degrees for the first time. There indeed are devastating, karmic consequences for systemic sin, and the prophets warn us about this. One thing I want to underscore before I finish today is that as you read Amos and other passages in the Bible, you may come away with the notion that God is punitive and that God’s justice is retributive.  I would remind you that human beings wrote the Bible—human beings with dualistic minds, and who only know justice as retributive, punitive, or getting even.  Instead, know that there is a trajectory in the Bible.  In many OT passages, God indeed looks punitive and retributive, because we often see in God what we see in ourselves, but the in the big picture, if you stay within the biblical cannon through the Gospels and through Paul, you will come to understand that God’s justice is more about restoration—about setting people back on the course God had intended for them from the beginning.  God’s primary interest is getting all of us back to the unspoiled Garden of Eden.  That’s what the Jesus story is all about—restoration.  Richard Rohr says that we “gradually let God ‘grow up.’  God does not change as much as human knowledge of God evolves” (Richard Rohr’s Meditations, Justice in the Scriptures, Sunday, July 7, 2019).  Yes, the prophets tell us that bad things happen—that Israel will experience God’s devastating judgements—when people don’t address the root of the problem—greed and oppression of the ones in the margins.  Slavery, we find, has long-lasting social implications; making a quick buck with cheap energy will poison us in the long run; disrespecting the planet will make us sick and die, and the first to suffer will be the poor, the ones on the margins, the ones God cares preferentially for, the ones who can’t afford a home in a cooler place with better drinking water.  Sometimes things look good as a bowl of ripe summer fruit on the surface, but rottenness festers just below, and that rottenness spreads and ultimately becomes costly for all of society.  It’s something like karma.

I want to end today by telling you a story of St. Roseline, whose picture in on the front of today’s bulletin.  I took this picture of her statue when we were in Gassin’s little church.  Gassin is a little beautiful village in the mountains above San Tropez, France.  Our guide told us Roseline was born in 1263 and is the special saint of that region.  A local winery that produces the area’s iconic Rose wine even bears her name.  According to local legend, Roseline would take food from her family’s larder and hide it in her basket, and then distribute it to the village’s peasants, who were poor and hungry during a time of famine.  She was caught by her father, a Marquis, the Lord of Les Arcs, who sternly disapproved of her doing that.  One day, he demanded to know what she had in her basket.  She dutifully and no doubt nervously opened her basket for him to see, and it was full of roses—not food.  Legend says that angels transformed the food into flowers to protect her from her father’s anger.  Now to become a Catholic saint, an individual must not only be full of good works but also to have miracles associated with his or her life.  This was not the only good work and miracle with which she was associated—she was known for her piety, charitable works, and other miracles, including casting out demons.  She became a nun and went on to become prioress of her abbey.  And what this legend tells me is that God is so very concerned with the poor that God will underscore this at critical junctures oppressed and cheated at the hands of the elite.  God so desperately wants all of humanity restored to the people God created us to be.  God wants hearts in us like the heart that was in St. Roseline.  God wants right living and for us to make good choices.  The future is malleable—it is not set, prophecies don’t all come true because we can make godly choices to live in love, and to treat the poor with justice—both in our individual lives and in our shaping of larger systems.  And that love and justice will return to in time, and work miracles to protect the ones caring for them.  No wonder so much of our Old Testament is written by prophets like Amos who shake up the status quo and warn what will happen if the poor are us; the generations will bear this out; and that is something like karma.  Amen.

The Priest and the Prophet

by Rev. Sandi Anthony, preached Sunday, July 14, 2019

Amos 7:7-17

7This is what he showed me: the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. 8And the Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said, “See, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel; I will never again pass them by; 9the high places of Isaac shall be made desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste, and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.”

10Then Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, sent to King Jeroboam of Israel, saying, “Amos has conspired against you in the very center of the house of Israel; the land is not able to bear all his words. 11For thus Amos has said, ‘Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel must go into exile away from his land.’” 12And Amaziah said to Amos, “O seer, go, flee away to the land of Judah, earn your bread there, and prophesy there; 13but never again prophesy at Bethel, for it is the king’s sanctuary, and it is a temple of the kingdom.” 14Then Amos answered Amaziah, “I am no prophet, nor a prophet’s son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees, 15and the Lord took me from following the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’ 16“Now therefore hear the word of the Lord. You say, ‘Do not prophesy against Israel, and do not preach against the house of Isaac.” 17Therefore thus says the Lord: ‘Your wife shall become a prostitute in the city, and your sons and your daughters shall fall by the sword, and your land shall be parceled out by line; you yourself shall die in an unclean land, and Israel shall surely go into exile away from its land.’”

Sermon: The Priest and the Prophet

“Moishe, a medieval Jewish astrologer, prophesied that the king’s favorite horse would soon die.  Sure enough, the horse died a short time later.  The king was outraged at the astrologer, certain that his prophecy had brought about the horse’s death.  He summoned Moishe and commanded him, ‘Prophet, tell me when you will die!’  Moishe realized that the king was planning to kill him immediately, no matter what answer he gave, so he had to answer carefully.  “I do not know when I will die,’ he answered finally.  ‘I only know that whenever I die, the king will die three days later’” (www.aish.com/j/j307287641.html?)

Today we are going to talk about the differences often found between priests and prophets, and how the tension between the Old Testament prophet Amos and Amaziah, the priest of Bethel plays out—and what we can learn about that.  And you will see how there is nothing new under the sun, especially today, when we see priests (effectively “pastors of the court”) cozying up to kings or political leaders.  Prophets have the difficult job of calling out the priests who give license to political leaders to enact policies of oppression.  Prophets also call out the political leaders directly.  A good priest or pastor is supposed to be many things, including God’s prophet.  Amaziah was not this.  Let me first clear up a misconception about what prophecy actually is, especially in the biblical canon.  Prophecy is not so much “foretelling” as it is “forth-telling.”  The clever Moishe was more of a foreteller, and biblical foretelling really takes back seat to the difficult art of forthtelling.  So today, we will define prophets as forth-tellers, one who are critical of their own religions, especially when they see that religion becoming co-opted by the state and hurting the poor.

Let’s first look at what was going on in Amos’ day.  I want to provide some background for understanding:  Amos, of course, is the prophet most famous for the words, “Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”  He was one of God’s first and finest social justice prophets who announced that Israel’s punishment would be inevitable for its mistreatment of the poor.  Amos prophesied during the time of the Divided Kingdom, when King Uzziah ruled the Southern Kingdom, which we call Judah, and when King Jeroboam II ruled the Northern Kingdom, which we call Israel.  The time frame was between 786-746 BC.  Amos’ primary concern was Israel, the Northern Kingdom.  In the kingdom at that time, the society was sharply stratified.  The gap between the rich and poor was stark, and the poor were oppressed by the wealthy, as they have often been throughout the ages, including today.  The prophet Amos railed against those who abused basic human rights.  He also criticized Israelite worship, saying that the people were more concerned with adhering to proper ritual than they were with the plight of the poor—and this made God angry.

So, in our particular passage today, Amos has a vision; in fact, it is his third of five visions Amos has of God in this Old Testament book.  In Amos’ third vision, God is standing next to a wall built with a plumb line.  Now I know nothing about construction, so I had to look up plumb line.  I learned that a “plumb line is a weight suspended from a string used as a vertical reference line to ensure a structure is centered. As they always find the vertical axis pointing to the center of gravity, they ensure everything is right, justified and centered” (https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/opinion/tn-dpt-me-0724-commentary2-20160718-story.html).  So, the plumb line is actually a metaphor for justice in society—our plumb line in Christian practice is that which ensures care of the poor, immigrant, marginalized and widow—which are always God’s primary and preferential concerns.  So, the take-home message is that we need to be aware of how our votes, our political support, our personal giving, and our mission as a denomination and congregation measure up to God’s plumb line, where everything is right, justified and centered in God’s eyes.  In other words, we need to ask ourselves continually if our participation in society is morally straight when measured by God’s plumb line.

So next, Amos engages with Amaziah, the local priest who is fairly cozy with King Jeroboam II, the political power of the time.  Amaziah sends word to the king that Amos was conspiring against him.  Amaziah tells Amos to flee to Judah and to prophesy there, because no one wants to hear this uncomfortable message in Israel, including the priest.  Amaziah calls Amos on the carpet for prophesying in the “king’s sanctuary” and essentially messing with the status quo that the upper strata of society was enjoying.  One can almost hear the privilege this priest enjoys in this liaison Amaziah has with the king; Amaziah does not want his cushy world rocked.

Now Amos humbly defends himself saying that he is “no prophet, nor a prophet’s son.”  He says he is a “herdsman, a dresser of sycamore trees,” which may imply that he is both a keeper of animals and a migrant laborer.  This would make him a social outsider as most prophets are—but Amos still knows the system.  We can think of him in the same way that we think of Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela—outsiders to be sure, but ones who knew the system.  Now remember how shepherds in the ancient world were considered by society to be unclean because of their proximity to animals?  They were part of society yet on its outskirts, as Amos was.  Nevertheless, Amos maintains that God took him from the flock and gave him a message: “Go, prophesy to my people Israel.”  And Amos is faithful in bearing the voice of God, who cares deeply for all human beings.   But keep in mind that a prophet’s job is very difficult, because it rocks the status quo.  People want to banish the discomforting voice and the inconvenient truths; as Amaziah says, “The land is not able to bear all [Amos’] words.”  The Apostle Paul, in fact, lists prophecy as the second most important spiritual gift.  But those who stand up to power can get crucified, as we well know.  Remember how the gospels tell us that it was “the priests, the elders, and the teachers of the law” who condemned Jesus, who was another advocate for the poor.  Jesus unfailingly embraced the prophetic office.

Now I want to give you a contemporary example of how the tension between the prophet Amos and the priest Amaziah still plays out today.  We need to be aware of the human tendency to marginalize and look critically at the voices of Celebrity pastors in particular, whose voices dominate the airwaves.  Many of them have cozied up to the present administration in a similar attempt to defend the “king’s sanctuary” to retain their places of privilege and power.  I want to share with you a recent quote from James Dobson, whose organization you may have heard of, Focus on the Family, which he led 15 years ago.  Sojourners Magazine is a prophetic Christian voice and calls out, very much in the style of the prophet Amos, problems and abuses within contemporary Christian attitude and practice.  Sojourner’s writer, Brandon Massey reports on Dobson’s July 2019 newsletter describing Dobson’s visit to McAllen, Texas, at the invitation of the White House, to share what he had seen “up close and personal.”  It is troubling the way Dobson characterizes the men, women, and children in the border camps.  He describes them as carriers of “lice, scabies, and other diseases;” they sit silently with “plaintive eyes;” they are from the “lowest rung of many societies.”  The most alarming of Dobson’s rhetoric, according to Massey, occurs in Dobson’s closing paragraph, which reads:

“What I’ve told you is only a glimpse of what is occurring on the nation’s border.  I don’t know what it will take to change the circumstances.  I can only report that without an overhaul of the law and the allocation of resources, millions of illegal immigrants will continue flooding to this great land from around the world.  Many of them have no marketable skills.  They are illiterate and unhealthy.  Some are violent criminals.  Their numbers will soon overwhelm the culture as we have known it, and it could bankrupt the nation.  America has been a wonderfully generous and caring country since its founding.  That is our Christian nature.  But in this instance, we have met a worldwide wave of poverty that will take us down if we don’t deal with it.  And it won’t take long for the inevitable consequences to happen.”  

Massey goes on to point out that Dobson’s fear-filled rhetoric is alarmingly similar to that of German pastors and theologians in the Third Reich, the ones that were cozy with the state who did not use the prophetic voice to call out the atrocities of the holocaust.  Massey gives this historical example and writes, “The closing paragraph of Dobson’s newsletter reminds me of a 1933 book by the German theologian Gerhard Kittel.  The problem of the Jews living in Germany was, according to Kittel, based on the fact that they are a people perpetually in a foreign land and thus, as foreigners, they have brought decadence to Germany

[hear the echo of Dobson’s words, “illiterate,” “unhealthy,” “criminal,”
“overwhelming numbers,” “bankrupt,” “lice,” “scabies,” “disease,” and “lowest
rung of many societies.”]

  But back to Kittel.  “In an effort to solve this ‘problem’ from a Christian theological perspective, Kittel offers four possible solutions: 1) Extermination (which he rejects on practical, rather than moral grounds); 2) Deportation (which he also considers impractical on political grounds); 3.) Assimilation (an idea abhorrent to Kittel); or 4) Separation (the only possible solution)” (“James Dobson’s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric is Dangerous,” Brandon Massey, Sojourners, July 3, 2019).  And I should mention that the German theologian Kittel wasn’t alone in his support of the Nazi’s.  Other court pastors and German theologians supported the Nazis as well, and it is common knowledge that many of Germany’s churches remained complicit in their silence.

Voices like Kittel’s and Dobson’s hearken back to Amaziah’s, but right now the world desperately needs Amos’ voice and prophetic voices like the ones featured in Sojourners.  See, these celebrity pastors whose messages dominate our airwaves, folks including Jerry Falwell Jr., Pat Robertson, and Jack Graham, and others are court pastors, court priests, not prophets in the style of Amos.  Like Amaziah, these guys are not measuring with God’s plumb line in the current immigration crisis—even though their assorted contributions through the years might not have been all bad.  Kittel, Dobson, and Amaziah were much more interested in protecting the king’s sanctuary and a privileged way of life, where resources are not shared with the very ones God is most concerned with.  Court pastor rhetoric has been dehumanizing and perpetuates the inhumanity of the border situation; it makes the refugees look like contagion, less than us, even as they are children of God just as we are.  Rather than speak creatively and prophetically, these court pastors and court priests communicate a fear-filled theology of limited resources rather than God’s abundance.  They effectively stifle the creative visions that challenges like the border crisis inspire.  Instead of inspiring ways to bring God’s kingdom to the least of these, they revert to protecting the status quo, retrenching rather than progressing toward a future that looks more and more like God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. 

Richard Rohr, another contemporary prophetic voice says this: “The United States and many other nations need courageous prophets as today’s world leaders show little or no ability to criticize their own duplicitous power games. I suspect that we get the leaders who mirror what we have become as nations” (Meditations, Prophets: Part One, Struggling with Shadow, Tuesday, July 2, 2019).  So, the priestly voice may not always be the prophetic voice, and we ought to be very careful when we listen to faith leaders, especially the celebrity ones whose voices dominate our airwaves.  We need to measure their messages with God’s plumb line by asking “Is their primary focus safeguarding the poor, the immigrant, the widow and the marginalized, or are they trying to protect the king’s sanctuary and keep all the resources for ones who look like them?”  We see this same tension playing out in our scripture today between Amos and Amaziah.  Priests (called pastors in our circles), you see, are called to be Amos-style prophets as well.

Years ago, we had a dynamic pastor at Prescott United Methodist Church.  I remember the words of his last sermon that he preached the Sunday before the bishop moved him on to bigger things.  In his sermon, he recounted his assessment of his own perceived accomplishments and failures of his seven-year tenure there.  I thought he was remarkably honest and brave.  He felt good about the pastoral care he delivered.  He felt reasonably good about his preaching and leadership in church growth and the new building program.  But he said, “What I could have done better to have been your prophet.  Every day we had people coming in off the streets in hopeless situations.  I should have inspired you, the congregation, to develop more ministries for them.  I should have challenged you more—even to the point of risking relationship with some of you who disagreed with me and wanted this to be a homogenized church that first and foremost looked after our own.”  He really impressed me in his honesty while assessing his own perception of his prophetic voice.

I’ll end with this.  The UCC theologian Walter Brueggemann says this about the role of the prophet in his book The Prophetic Imagination: “The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us.”  Friends, our dominant culture says, “Let’s safeguard what we have because there’s not enough to go around.  Let’s spend our money to build a high wall and more gated communities rather than address the root of the problem.  There is simply not enough for the other.”  The prophets, like Amos, interrupt our self-focus, put forth a new vision, inspire imagination, and call us back to God, whose plumb line is the truest measure of morality, justice and righteousness.  Amen.

Minor Prophets with Major Messages

Dear CCOV Family and Friends,

I hope all of you are enjoying your summers so far, wherever you might be.  If you are still in the Valley, don’t forget that worship continues in Hayden Hall at 10 AM.  More relaxed and informal, our summer services involve eating and fellowshipping together, singing a cappella, and a more interactive teaching/preaching style.  In the coming weeks I will be preaching out of Amos and Hosea, minor Old Testament prophets who have major things to teach us about God’s justice and righteousness.  This week we will explore Amos 7:7-17, and on Sunday, July 21, Amos 8:1-12.  You will hear that the prophetic voice is imaginative and calls us out of our comfort zones by not upholding the status quo.  In fact, the prophetic voice may even conflict with the priestly or pastoral voice at times, and you learn how to measure such voices by “God’s plumb line,” which is the Divine standard of morality.  Biblical prophets are primarily forth-tellers concerned with justice in a society, not so much of the foretellers as we might think.  You will hear how Amos’ vision informs our Christian response to the crisis at the border today.  I look forward to seeing you in church!


Pastor Sandi        

Practical Advice

Dear CCOV Family,

Did you ever wonder if and when there is a right time to run an intervention in someone’s life?  Do you struggle with the nuances involved in advice or critique giving, or do you feel tempted to tell others what to do?   On Sunday, July 7 we will talk about these often-difficult issues during our 10 AM, around-the-table worship in Hayden Hall as we consider Paul’s words in Galatians 6:1-18.  From my sermon called “Practical Advice,” you will hear how Paul exhorts the Galatians to restore those who have transgressed in a spirit of gentleness, yet you will also hear how Paul calls us not to deceive ourselves.  We will talk about how we sometimes focus on the failings of others but neglect to reflect on (or be aware of) our own sin.  In short, it is not our task to persuade others to believe as we do or to control their lives.  The poet Archibald Macleish once said it best: “Religion is at its best when it makes us ask hard questions of ourselves.  It is at its worst when it deludes us into thinking we have all the answers for everybody else.”  I look forward to exploring this topic with you during the first Sunday in July! 

Stay Cool!

Pastor Sandi               


“Then he went about among the villages teaching. 7He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 8He ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; 9but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics.” —Mark 6:6b-8

Many of you have returned to your more northernly locales or are embarking upon your summer vacations.  I wish you a safe summer and much refreshment and eagerly await your fall or winter return!  So here is a question for you: how much baggage are you taking?  Last summer Clint and I challenged ourselves to travel with only a carry-on bag for a three-week trip to Europe, and I’m pleased to report that it can absolutely be done!  Inspired by an article in Conde Nast Magazine, we rolled our clothes densely, packed a few Tide pods so we could do laundry, wore our bulky sneakers on the plane and only packed sandals.  We took no appliances and left our hair to dry naturally, and we stuffed our socks into the carry-on’s corners.  We depended upon the hospitality of hotels and our European friends to supply the rest.  Those little carry-ons rolled neatly along many a cobblestoned street!

In Mark 6:6b-8 Jesus orders his disciples to travel lightly for their commission.  He wants them to have faith and to trust.  If they were dragging along all kinds of baggage, how easy would it have been for them to reach out with healing and kindness to the ones they were ministering to?  Those disciples might have had to exert too much effort in watching their bags, which would be a real distraction from their ministry.  And if they already had all they needed, how would they receive the gifts of those they encountered in their journey?  Sometimes part of others’ healing is when they can give of themselves, so perhaps those who would be offering hospitality to the twelve were in effect participating in their own healing.  So it’s okay, even biblical, to be on the receiving end! 

We often want to be self-sufficient to the extent that we over-pack and over-plan. And sometimes if we pack and plan for every eventuality, we may not be open to what God has for us.  Carrying around a lot of baggage to be self-reliant, be that baggage material or spiritual, sometimes translates to a lack of faith.  Clint often points this out to me: “Where we are going, they will likely have a pharmacy.  You don’t need to take our entire medicine cabinet.”  In short, have faith, trust, and travel lightly.  Be open to what God may have in store.  May your summer be blessed!

Co-Pastor Sandi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Good Boundaries


CCOV is a congregation full of people with servant’s hearts!  Through the years I have seen many you respond so gracefully to needs that come up in our community, our congregation, and in your own families.  Sometimes servers and caregivers get stressed and even burned out.  We talk about service a lot at church, especially because of Jesus’ great example, but what we sometimes do not give enough attention to is setting healthy boundaries.  Believe it or not, Jesus set boundaries and practiced self-care.  We, like Jesus, can take steps to help, but we cannot control how people are going to respond or ensure that they participate in their own healing.  If we exert undue influence and control, we are actually working too hard and may end up enabling folks so that they never break free.  Times certainly arise when we have to set boundaries and limits, say “no,” and practice self-care to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

Remember the Bible story in John 5:1-14 when Jesus asked the invalid if he wanted to be made well?  This man felt sorry for himself and offered excuses for his 38 years of lying ill by the Sheep Gate pool, but ultimately the man responded to Jesus, who asked the man to do something: stand up, take up your mat and walk.  It was up to this man to take responsibility for himself.  Not everyone assumes self-responsibility, and we need to avoid shifting into overdrive when people’s old patterns repeat over and over.  Sometimes, instead of being the rescuer, we just need to trust God with the outcome. 

Jesus practiced self-care and boundary-setting by withdrawing from the crowds who pressed in upon him so that he could have some prayerful alone time with God.  You will notice in the Bible stories that Jesus did not heal everyone; after a while, he just had to retreat and recharge.  One of my favorite seminary professors used to say, “We ought not climb onto every cross.”  All of us must discern our personal calls to service and focus our energies as they are given to us.  And when it gets overwhelming?  You have two pastors at CCOV with whom you can talk, pastors who care for you!  You have wonderful friends in the congregation and elsewhere.  You can ask for help.  Don’t be afraid to state clearly what you need.  We are, after all, yoked to both Jesus and one another, and that makes life’s burdens much easier.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Sandi   

Cleaning House

Dear CCOV Family and Friends,

Here we are almost at the end of Lent, and I find myself wondering, how is this church season going for you?  Did any of you adopt a Lenten discipline this year or adopt Sandi’s “helpful household hint” (and her own 2019 Lenten discipline) of going through closets and donating to charity things no longer used or worn anymore?  I challenged myself to find one article of clothing for each of Lent’s forty days but ended doubling that so far.  I’ve made three trips to Goodwill and will make one more before Easter.  My closets look great and I don’t miss anything!

One of the greatest themes of the Christian life is that we are blessed in order to bless.  We are healed in order to heal.  We are restored in order to restore.  In fact, Jesus’ miracles in the gospels follow this pattern.  The multiplication of the fishes and the loaves made sure everyone ate.  When Jesus’ healed the bleeding woman, he ended her isolation and she was restored to community.  When Jesus opened the eyes of two blind men, they went out and spread the news about him.  When we are gifted with abundance, it is for sharing.  Some even rise to the highest challenge of giving sacrificially.

Two Sundays ago a woman came by the church during early-morning choir practice.  She was in tears and on the way to visit her father, who was suffering from cancer.  She needed gas money.  I was so heartened to see choir members who had cash in their pockets give to her.  One hugged her and comforted her because she too knew what it was like to battle cancer.  What joy it is to belong to such a deeply Christian family marked by generosity!

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday and hearing Pastor Dick preach Part III of his sermon series, “Seeking a Better Way to be Christian, from Lost to Found” (Jonah 3:1-2; Matthew 4:18-22).  The following week I will be in the pulpit for Palm Sunday.  The scripture will be Luke 19:28-40.  In the meantime, prayers for the remainder of a meaningful Lent!  It’s not too late to clean house and give, whatever that may look like for you.


Pastor Sandi

Lent 2019


We find ourselves once again in the church season of Lent.  The UCC Book of Worship defines Lent as “a penitential season of self-examination, prayer, and fasting that precedes the observance of the Triduum (Maundy Thursday evening, Good Friday, and the Vigil of Easter, which begins on Saturday night)” (Book of Worship, pp. 21-22). Lent is the season in which we reflect on the life, suffering, and death of Jesus, and what his giving of himself on the cross means for our lives. Some follow a Lenten devotional guide. Some participate in intentional prayer and study. Others give up something.  In recent years it has become more popular to do something extra, like offer special service to someone or even give things away.  This year I heard of yet another Lenten practice that follows this vein, which seems to be gaining momentum, at least on Facebook.  That is, some folks are combining Lent with spring cleaning.  The suggestion goes as follows: “Instead of giving up something for Lent this year, why not try the 40-day-40 items challenge?  Each day of Lent, remove one item from your house which you don’t use or wear anymore and place it in a bag.  At the end of Lent, donate these items to a charity shop or to a homeless shelter.  They’ll be shared with those who really need them.”  I rather like this idea.  Sometime we just accumulate too much, and there is so much need in the world.  I look forward to seeing you all on this first Sunday of Lent.  The scripture will be Luke 4:1-13, and we will talk about growing stronger even during the wilderness times of our lives.  See you in church!


Co-Pastor Sandi

Lots of Good Energy!

Dear CCOV Family,

Wasn’t there lots of good energy in worship last Sunday?  I am so grateful that you voted at our annual meeting to give Dr. Dick Wing and I an opportunity to co-pastor for the next few months.  And I heartily hope this will turn into a permanent arrangement.  He certainly brings a lot of new energy to the pulpit!  And wasn’t the music was absolutely spectacular?  We were blessed to get to know yet another FOL (Friend of Larry) as we do the first Sunday of every month.  I’m glad we had such a crowd to hear both Larry Loeber and Lan Qui, who offered his invigorating violin music that celebrated Chinese New Year.  Adding to the crowd and energy were the Boy Scouts from Troop 649.  Each year CCOV UCC looks forward to our joint worship celebration when we get to see and hear these fine young men and their leaders and thank them for all they contribute to the life of our church.

Troop 649’s recent contributions involved coordinating our joint collections of coats for refugees and nonperishable food items.  Clint and I stuffed dozens of coats in our car—all donated by you and Troop 649—and drove them to Tucson on January 27.  We gave them to members of Casa Adobes UCC who are leading the drive there so that no border refugee goes cold.  Casa Adobes UCC will take all collected coats to Catholic Charities, who will ultimately distribute them.   Additionally, there were so many nonperishable food items collected that the Boy Scouts had to call for a truck from St. Mary’s Food Bank to come haul everything away.  Over the past few weeks I kept thinking to myself when I walked into the narthex, which was overflowing with coats and food: This is one thoroughgoing Christian church here!  We have truly heard Jesus’ words from Matthew 25:35-36: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” 

Let us continue living lives marked by such well-directed energy and generosity.  See you Sunday!

Grace and Peace, 

Pastor Sandi