The Blessings of Church Participation


Welcome to the Valley’s most stunning time of year!  The skies are clear and the days are warmed by the sun.  Pretty soon we will smell the glorious scent of citrus blossoms everywhere!  I think we all feel uplifted, not just by the weather, but also by our wonderful Boy Scout Sunday last week, when the fine young men of Troop 649 joined us and assisted in worship.  And for a double blessing, we were treated to the ethereal music of flutist Jenna Daum and our own Larry Loeber!  I think of all the unchurched people out there who don’t know the richness of worship and the way a good hour of contemplating the things of God reorients life’s priorities and charges us up for Christian living.

Another opportunity for the women of the church to extend the blessings of church participation is to join in the monthly discussion group we are hosting for February, March, and April.  Our first meeting will be February 24 at 10 AM.  We will gather at the church and strive to meet outside (for optimum safety).  We will discuss the little book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and break it up in stages for discussion.  Rev. Dr. Suzie Chamness has graciously agreed to be our discussion leader.  Be prepared to discuss the first agreement for our Feb. 24 session, and we will decide together on our next dates in March and April as well as how to divide up the material for those discussions.  We will have approximately ten copies available in the narthex by Sunday (for which you can reimburse the church office the $8).  If you prefer Kindle, you can go on line and purchase your own.  If the men of the church are feeling left out, I highly encourage you to start a group too; we will make it happen! 

Grace and Peace,
