Greetings Friends,
I hope this finds you all well and anticipating the resumption of regular services at 10 AM on Sunday, September 17! For a handful of us who remained largely in town this summer, we’ve continued to worship in person together at the Church of the Beatitudes UCC in Phoenix, and we’ve had some culinary adventures exploring midtown restaurants afterwards. The Church of the Beatitudes (CoB) planted our Scottsdale church over three decades ago, and it has been a privilege to fill their pulpit a number of times this summer. Their moderator recently approached Pastor Dick and me and asked if we could continue to help them out until they call a settled pastor in the spring. We agreed, each giving them ten hours of week including alternating Sundays. So Dick and I will continue to alternate Sundays at CCOV and CoB similar to what we did over a year ago for a few months when we helped out a Disciples of Christ Church in Mesa. We’re brainstorming some exciting ways we could enjoy some joint programming with our brothers and sisters at the CoB, so stay tuned! I excitedly await being with you again in our own worship space on September 17!
Grace and Peace,
Co-Pastor Sandi