World Communion Sunday 2021


In several days we will be meeting in person for the first time in a year and a half!  What’s more is that this Sunday, Oct. 3, on the ecumenical liturgical calendar is World Communion Sunday, and I can’t think of a more appropriate Sunday to resume live worship (especially since we haven’t celebrated communion together for a year and a half)!

Can any of you guess which denomination originated the celebration of World Communion Sunday?  The tradition began in 1933 in Pittsburgh, PA at Shadyside Presbyterian Church and was adopted throughout the U.S. Presbyterian Church in 1936 and subsequently spread to other denominations.  In 1940 the Federal Council of Churches (now called the National Council of Churches), led by Jesse Moren Bader, endorsed World Communion Sunday and began to promote it to Christian churches worldwide.  So know that as we partake in the Lord’s Supper this Sunday, we do so with the company of Christians across the globe!

Because of the on-going pandemic, communion won’t look quite the same at CCOV UCC as it has in the past.  We ask that you pick up your pre-packaged communion elements in the narthex along with your bulletin.  Later in the service Pastor Dick will lead us in their partaking.  I so look forward to seeing you this Sunday in our beautiful sanctuary.

In Christ,

Co-Pastor Sandi