I am getting so excited to worship in person once again in our beautiful sanctuary! Here’s what to expect:
Our service will flow a little differently from days gone by; for example, you will hear Larry chime ten times to mark the ten o’clock hour and the beginning of worship. Either Pastor Dick or I will then welcome you and read the announcements and any prayer requests that you may fill out ahead of time and place in the narthex prayer box. Then Larry (or Larry and Friends on Communion Sundays) will offer a beautiful, meditative prelude without any rustling or distractions, because everyone will already be settled in. We will continue to hear a little more of Larry’s wonderful music as choir won’t be starting up again until COVID-19 caseloads begin abating and choir can sing safely near one another again. The Southwest Conference of the UCC continues to give us excellent guidance on such matters. On communion Sundays we will have sanitary, prepackaged elements. Two other differences are that the offering will occur before the sermon, and we will not continue with passing of the peace, which we can do informally during fellowship hour.
Fellowship hour will occur in the narthex, and when weather permits, we will have the doors open and can also mingle outside. Food and drink items will, by and large, be prepackaged. Inside we will require masks and social distancing—one person or family per pew. We realize that we have to stay flexible and fluid as we respond to the changing situation with the virus. We thank you in advance for your understanding. Again, it will be wonderful to be with one another again on Sunday mornings!
Grace and Peace,
Co-Pastor Sandi