World Communion Sunday

Dear CCOV Family,
This Sunday we join Christians all around the world by celebrating World Communion Sunday. World Communion Sunday is a tradition originating in 1933 at the Shadyside Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, PA and was subsequently adopted by the US Presbyterian Church in 1936. The idea quickly spread to other denominations. In 1940 the Federal Council of Churches (now called the National Council of Churches) endorsed World Communion Sunday and began to promote it to Christian churches worldwide. During communion and throughout our service on Sunday, we will be blessed by the music of violinist Grant Johnson. I will continue preaching from Job of the topic of suffering for the next three or four weeks. If you are reading through the book, for Oct. 7 focus on chapters 11-13 and for Oct. 14 focus on chapters 32-37.

Besides participating in World Communion Sunday on Oct. 7, we will also take up the final collection for our Neighbors in Need offering. Envelops continue to be available in the pews and on the narthex table. Neighbors in Need is a UCC special mission offering that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout our country. Two thirds of the offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries to support and variety of justice initiative, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. The rest of the collection goes to the Council for American Indian Ministry. By giving, we support the UCC’s on-going efforts to address systemic injustice. I look forward to being with you on Sunday!
Rev. Sandi