A sermon by Dr. Richard A. Wing, Co-Pastor, October 6, 2019
Inspiration from Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:32-37
Today we worship at the altar of instant measurements, levels of progress and results. This week I was in the hospital for hip surgery. Every 30 minutes I was asked to “evaluate my pain level.” “On a 1-10, what is your pain level,” I was continually asked, for which I am grateful.
This week I called Verizon wireless. At the end of my time on the phone, “please take the very brief survey following by staying on the line. I know it’s asking a lot but please do it.” This week while my wife was driving me home from the hospital, we followed a truck. On the back was written, “How is my driving?” Then an 800 number where I can tell someone how the stranger in front of me is driving. Anything I experience or purchase wants me to give immediate feedback on the product or service, or speed of delivery.
Read this line very slowly; then repeat again. Without success, we bring that same set of questions to our spiritual life. Have I matured spiritually? On what level am I and how do I move to the next level? When will I reach the moment of union with God like Jesus and experience illumination and enlightenment like both the Buddha and Jesus achieved?
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