Fall Sermon Series!


On Sunday, Oct. 6 Pastor Dick and I are beginning a six-week sermon series on the spirituality of AA’s 12-Steps.  With the premise that we are all addicts of some kind (spending, control, beauty, power, money, food, privilege, pleasure, security etc.), our fall Sundays together will enrich all of our spiritual journeys.  Our preaching series is called Breathing Under Water: The Lessons of AA for the Church, and we will cover two of the Steps each Sunday through Nov. 10.  Our material will be drawn in large part from Fr. Richard Rohr’s book Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps.  In this book Rohr writes, “I am still convinced that on the practical ‘transformational’ level, the Gospel message of Jesus and the Twelve-Step message of Bill Wilson are largely the same message.”  Many of the lessons of AA will sound counterintuitive to us, but remember, the Gospel is equally counterintuitive.  For example, it is only when we become vulnerable and surrender to God that we can grow spiritually; otherwise, we would be forever trapped in our own egos.  Join us this fall!  If you will be out of town, tune in on line so you don’t miss a single sermon in the series!

Peace and Serenity,

Co-Pastor Sandi