Dear CCOV Family,
It’s hazy up here in Prescott because of a forest fire in the Bradshaw Mountains. All weekend Clint and I could see tanker planes flying from the airport to the burning area. At least the heat and smoke aren’t keeping me completely inside! Early last week I met with the newly-retired, long-term music director from the church we attended in town years ago. She gave me some great ideas for new choir anthems that go with particular scriptures and preaching themes. Besides music for worship, I am also thinking ahead to preaching topics for the fall. I really want to hear from you regarding what you would like to see in our services. Do you want me to preach through a book from the Bible again or on a particular theme? Is there a question you always had that you would like addressed? Please feel free to reach out to me as I begin to plan ahead. I hope you are enjoying your potluck fellowship breakfasts Sunday morning—I miss seeing you all. Clint and I will join you next on July 16. Meanwhile, enjoy your vacations and time away!
Rev. Sandi