As I move us through the Book of Romans on Sunday mornings, you will continue to hear how we can participate in God’s distributive justice for the just transformation of the world. We’ve talked about how grace, gifts, and liberation in the biblical canon have never been ends in and of themselves. We are freed ourselves to free others, just like the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt to be God’s people, who would be a light to the nations. Each day is a new chance to participate in God’s plan and be a light for others.
Since the mission of our church is to share Jesus’ message of love, hope, peace, and joy with all persons, I encourage you to participate in the distribution of your resources to alleviate suffering around the globe, especially in the wake of Hurricane Matthew, which has left a trail of devastation and flooding chaos in Haiti, Cuba, the Bahamas, and the US. Thirty-four people have died in the US and over a thousand in the Caribbean. You can pray, using the prayers at this link: Prayers Following Disasters, and you can give in a variety of ways, including through our denomination.
Please visit the following links for more information: OGHS UCC International Emergency Fund and OGHS UCC Emergency USA. If you prefer to mail in your donation, here is the address:
One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC)
Memo: Hurricane Matthew
Financial Services Office
700 Prospect Ave. E. Cleveland, OH 44115
I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
Rev. Sandi