
We are exempt from Federal Income Tax under Group Ruling Number 1665 section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our  EIN is 86-0624963. One-time donations can be made via PayPal using your PayPal account or Credit Card, or church members may choose to make automatic deposits through their credit cards or bank accounts. 

Contributions to CCOV help support our ministries and outreach programs, as well as operating expenses. If you wish to donate to a specific cause or memorial fund, please indicate in the area provided.

Also, kindly consider adding 2.5% to your donation to cover the processing fees imposed by PayPal. For example, a donation of $102.50 will net the church $100.00.

NEW You now have the ability to donate via Zelle! To use this method either scan the QR code below on your smartphone or go to your bank account and follow their prompts to make a payment via Zelle (not all banks have this capability yet). Make the payment to:

[email protected]