The president of my seminary often puts a quote out on social media that goes something like this: Attempt something so big that it is bound to fail unless God intervenes. Of course his intent is to inspire present students and alumni alike to think big and and have faith that God will intervene for God’s own kingdom. Admittedly, attempting something big is a pretty challenging sentiment, especially for risk-adverse people like me. I’ve been thinking about my seminary president’s quote for a few weeks now, especially as Pastor Dick and our (present and former) council members have charged ahead with long-needed repairs, replacements, and a general sprucing up of our church campus. We are all excited about our Sunday, Oct. 3 grand reopening, and we are attempting something big: Get it ready and they will come. We are faithfully expecting God to intervene. CCOV UCC is going to have a future!
As I’ve been cranking on the quote about attempting something big, it seems like God continues to message me in a similar vein. Today while in the narthex, I noticed a plaque on the table off to the left. I never noticed this plaque before. It reads: “Going out on a limb is risky, but that’s where all the fruit is.” We all want a fruitful future for our church. In preparation for our post-COVID reopening, consider brainstorming with us ways to make Oct. 3 big! Join with us in September as we work around the campus together, pledge additional gifts to cover maintenance and replacement costs, serve on council, and evangelize your friends and neighbors. Tell them about our loving church family, our inspired music, our outreach, and our inclusive message. Unite with us as we faithfully attempt a BIG future at CCOV UCC!
Co-Pastor Sandi