Dear CCOV Family,
After a wonderful summer of a more intimate and interactive worship experience in Hayden Hall, we have moved back into the sanctuary and look forward to a blessed and full fall ahead of us! Choir practice starts up again on October 13, and the choir will strive to present a well-known anthem on that same Sunday. Our members slowly start their trickle back from cooler climes, and we rejoice in their return!
Pastor Dick and I have three fall sermon series planned. First up is Pastor Sandi’s two-week sermon series from 1 Timothy. On Sunday, September 22 you will hear all about prayer, specifically why the church is urged to pray for kings and those who are in high positions as we delve into 1 Timothy 2:1-8. On Sunday, September 29, you will hear all about the problem with the love of money as we examine 1 Timothy 6:6-19. In October, Pastor Dick presents a three-week series entitled, “Three Movements of the Spiritual Life. “ Following that, Pastors Sandi and Dick will alternate through a five-week preaching series on the Book of Ephesians called, “In the Fullness of Time.” Clint and I will have just come back from an October tour of Turkey including Ephesus and Cappadocia (among other biblical locales) and should have some great insights to share from the “Holy Land of the North.” Expect your Biblical knowledge to EXPLODE this fall!
I look forward to being with you in church this Sunday!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Sandi