Dear CCOV Family,
God gave humans stewardship of this beautiful world. I know that many of us, as God’s stewards, are concerned with environmental headlines in the news today. The Amazon, which produces 20% of the earth’s oxygen, burns; the Arctic burns; and looking out the window as I type, I can see smoke from Prescott-area fires. Glaciers melt, bees continue to decline, temperatures soar, and the oceans are full of microplastics. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed because the news seems to be so bleak all of the time. Take heart though: There is good news, when people make a concerted effort to make a change. For example, The World Economic Forum reports that in Europe forests are again blanketing the continent as a result of increased protection and better land management. Trees now cover almost a third of France—even more forests cover Sweden, Finland and Spain. We know that trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help fight climate change as well as produce oxygen, which we need to breathe. Additionally, forests safeguard biodiversity.
Responding to issues of environmental justice, our denomination is running a campaign called Three Great Loves: love of children, love of neighbor, and love of creation. The three loves, of course, are all interrelated. When we safeguard creation, we help to safeguard our children and our neighbor. Below are some simple things we all can do, that when done broadly enough, will have impact.
- Demand climate solutions from our elected officials: vote, educate others, call our representatives, get politically active…
- Reduce energy needs in our homes: unplug computers, buy energy-efficient lightbulbs and energy-star label appliances, wash in warm or cold water, program your thermostat…
- Push for renewable energy: solar, wind, divest from fossil fuels…
- Eat differently: try “meatless Mondays,” buy organic and local, buy shade-grown coffee, grow your own…
- Explore alternative transportation: use public transit, ride a bike, carpool, buy electric or hybrid vehicles, fly less…
- Consume less: “pre-cycle” when shopping, avoiding over-packaged products, recycle, compost, buy biodegradables over plastics…
Let us all do what we can to steward wisely our God’s great creation. See you in church!
Pastor Sandi