Spring Has Sprung!

Dear CCOV Family,
Spring has long since sprung across the Valley and is now underway up here in Prescott. My peach tree is in glorious pink bloom, and I awake to quail calls each morning. Except for all the pollen, it’s a great time of year!

I especially love the energy in worship that this season affords. On Sunday we celebrate our special relationship with Boy Scout troop 649, and you can expect to see these impressive young men involved in our service. Jenn Newman will enrich our worship with her incredible voice and will feature some songs of Jerome Kern. I am preaching on Jesus’ miracle of raising Lazarus, and you can read ahead in John 11:1-45. After the service, the Boy Scouts will treat us to a pancake breakfast!

Then can you believe that Palm Sunday and Easter come next? Be sure to put in your order for Easter flowers now so that the sanctuary is filled to overflowing with color and sweet fragrance. Spring flowers are such a fitting way to celebrate that great day of resurrection, when Jesus rises from the tomb in triumph. John Good will return as our Easter guest soloist. How about inviting a friend to church that day, because something as good as the Easter story must be shared!

I look forward to seeing you in church.
Rev. Sandi